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Strawberry Jam Overnight Oats

Homemade Strawberry Jam Overnight Oats

These super easy Homemade Strawberry Jam Overnight Oats are the perfect make-ahead recipe. Just 5 minutes of prep time and packed with healthy fibre and protein, making it a delicious, nutritious breakfast option. 

Homemade Strawberry Jam Overnight Oats



  • Start by creating your overnight oats base. Add the Strawberry & Peanut Porridge, raspberry yogurt, chia seeds, and plant-based milk into a bowl and leave in the fridge whilst we work on the jam.
  • To make the strawberry jam, chop the strawberries into chunks and microwave for 1-2 minutes with the water and maple syrup. Once microwaved, mash together with the back of a fork to create a more jam-like texture. Pop this to one side and leave to cool. 
  • Take the porridge mixture out from the fridge and grab your jar. Add ½ of the porridge mix into your jar, a couple of tablespoons of the jam mixture then top with the remaining porridge mixture. Close the lid and leave in the fridge to set overnight. 
  • In the morning top with fresh strawberries, a dollop of yogurt, and a crushed Flower & White Vegan Strawberry Meringue bar and enjoy!


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